مراجعة ثانية إعدادي - ترم أول - سؤال المحادثة


Tourist : Excuse me : What is this building ?
Guide : It is called the citadel .
Tourist : built it ?
Guide : It was built Salah al-Din al-Ayouby.
Tourist : Why did he build it?
Guide : He built it to Cairo from enemies.
Yara : Hello . Is Leila there , please?
Manar : No,I'm sorry , she isn't here at the . Who is speaking,please?
Yara : It's Yara . time will Leila be home ?
Manar : She will be home at six. Can I take a ?
Yara : Yes , please. Can you Leila to phone me tonight?
Manar : Ok, I will do that .good bye!
Samir : I want to learn to play table tennis, but I don’t think I will be good at it.
Ahmed: Don’t . it’s not .
Samir : I wrote a story, but I am worried that people won’t like it.
Ahmed: Oh, go ! Read it to me! I like your stories.
Samir : This maths homework is very diffcult.
Ahmed: Come on, you do it! I’ll help you.
Aya : is the person you admire ?
Mona : I admire .
Aya : do you admire your father ?
Mona : I admire him he works hard to bring us up well.
Nada : Where did you go last week?
Sara : I to visit my uncle's farm.
Nada : How did you travel?
Sara : I travelled car.
Nada : did you stay there?
Sara : I stayed there three days.
Mary: My older sister wants me to play volleyball with her, but I don't want to play with her.
Nour: Oh, , you like playing volleyball with your sister.
Mary: Yes, I do, but all the people in her team are much older than me.
Nour: You it! You're really good at volleyball.
Mary: It's in the new sports club. I don't know how to get there.
Nour: worry, it‘s not difficult. I can go with you.
Mary: Will you play, too?
Nour: Yes! Come on, it will be fun.
Mary: right! I'll play.
Secretary: Good morning. Can I help you?
Mr Smith: Hello, my name is Mr Smith.
Secretary: Sorry, can you that, please?
Mr Smith: Yes, Mr Smith. I'd to see Mr Hamed.
Secretary: Yes, of .He is in room 5.
Mr Smith: How do I to room 5?
Secretary: It's on the second floor.
Ahmed: How do you go to school?
Ayman: I go there on the school .
Ahmed: does it arrive at school?
Ayman: 7:00 a.m.
Ahmed: How pupils does it carry?
Ayman: 50 pupils.
Tourist :Where can I find the Egyptian , please?
Ahmed : The Egyptian Museum is In Tahrir Square.You can a taxi.
Tourist : Does it contain statues and ?
Ahmed : Yes,You can enjoy Tutankhamun jewellery.
Sara: Hello, Yara. Come and meet my friend, Mary. she is from Britain.
Yara: It's nice to you, Mary.
Mary: Pleased to meet you too.
Yara: you visited Cairo before?
Mary: No, l haven't, but I've to Alexandria.
Yara: Do you that you've been to Alexandria, but not to Cairo?
Mary: That's true.

"منشورات أقدم"