Water is life
It goes without saying that water is the lifeblood of every living creature on earth. There would be no life if there wasn’t water. Rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans constitute about two-thirds of the earth. We need fresh water. We also need oceans and seas because some of their water is evaporated and finally becomes fresh water again. There are countless uses of water, so it is a must to save water and keep it clean. Lack of water will result in natural disasters and severe conflicts among nations for dominating water sources.
All living organisms can’t go without water. We need water for drinking, washing, cooking, and growing our food. We need water to reclaim new areas of the vast deserts. Feeding the increasing population depends mainly on the availability of water sources. We need water badly for cultivating land and growing crops. Water is the home of marine life. Thousand tons of fish are caught every year to provide man with rich nutrients.
It’s man’s duty to save water. Lots of bad habits should be uprooted. Taps shouldn’t be left on. Old taps that drip should be fixed. People who throw rubbish in water must be punished severely. Waste from factories mustn’t be thrown into the water. Decisive laws have to be passed to stop careless people from polluting water.
It’s likely that conflicts and wars will break out for dominating the sources of water. The lack of water will cause disturbances and big troubles among nations over their shares of water. Drought will definitely lead to starvation and desertification. To sum, water is life, so all of us have to save our lives.