Jane Eyre

Listen and complete each space with one word:

Listen and complete each space with one word:

As Jane Eyre settled into her new life at Thornfield Hall as a , she became more comfortable. Mrs Fairfax was always really kind to her and Jane got on very well with her student, Adele. She often climbed on to the roof of the house and looked over the countryside because she needed with the outside world.
Three very happy months passed. One day, when Adele had a cold and Jane did not have to teach her, she offered to take a letter to the post office for Mrs Fairfax. She set for the village of Hay, about eight kilometers away. It was a really beautiful day; it was sunnier but colder than it had been recently and the roads were extremely icy.
As she was walking along, she heard the sound of a horse’s on the road. Just then, an enormous black horse ran past me and then came a gentleman on a black horse. Suddenly, the horse slipped and the gentleman to the ground. She ran towards the horse and its . The gentleman was on the ground in pain.
She tried to catch the horse but without , so she told the man she would go to Thornfield Hall for help. When she said that she was the governess there, the gentleman looked quite surprised.
Finally, she to catch the horse and helped the gentleman get on to it. And without thanking her, he called for his dog Pilot to follow and set off towards Thornfield Hall

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