Unit 10- Communications today

Complete each space with one word:

Complete each space with one word:

Twenty-five years ago, communications between people were very from today. To call friends quickly, we needed to find a telephone to them. If time was not important, we wrote a letter and sent it by . For fast written communication, businesses sent faxes.
Although many people still use these ways of , they are becoming less popular because of new technology. Today, the most common forms of personal and business communications are mobile phone calls, text and e-mails. But even mobile phones are changing all the time. Many people now use phones. These are phones with computers which can to the internet and send e-mails.
In the future, the only thing that we can be sure of is that technology is not going to still. Scientists are going to continue inventing new more complex ways of communicating. Some experts are that the next big development will be in visual communications. Small mobile computers with fast internet connections will probably be the first mobile devices that give us -quality visual communication, so that we can the people we are talking to.
Further in the future, who knows what will happen? By the year 2023, scientists are predicting that we will be able to send text messages by the power of thought. A special helmet connected to our will turn what we are thinking into a digital form which we will then be able to communicate to other people that we know.

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