- لا زال استخدام التكنولوجيا في العملية التعليمية في مراحله الأولى . نحن بحاجة إلى مزيد من الفصول الافتراضية والمنصات الالكترونية
- Using the technology in education is still in its early stages. We are in need of fictional classrooms and online platforms.
- The use of technology in the educational process is still in its first stages. We need more hypothetical classrooms and online stages.
- Using technology in the educational process is still in its early stages. We need more virtual classrooms and electronic platforms.
- إصلاح التعليم في مصر يأتي على رأس الأولويات في المرحلة الراهنة
- Education reform in Egypt is a top priority at the current stage.
- The education reform in Egypt is prior to the current stage.
- The reform of education is preceding to the current stage.
- علينا أن نتمسك بعادات مجتمعنا وتقاليده التى هي جزء من ثقافتنا وهويتنا
- We have to adhere to the habits and the traditions of our society which are part of our culture and identification.
- We have to hold our customs and traditions which are a piece of our culture and identity.
- We have to stick to the customs and traditions of our society which are part of our culture and identity.
- لقد أصبح لزاما علينا أن نفكر في بدائل للخروج من الدلتا ووادي النيل والتوسع في استصلاح الصحراء وبناء مدن جديدة
- We have to think of alternatives to get out of the Delta and the Nile Valley, extend the desert reclamation and build new cities.
- It has become imperative for us to think of alternatives to get out of the Delta and the Nile Valley, expand the reclamation of the desert and build new cities.
- It has become obligatory for us to think of additionals to go out of the Delta and the Nile Valley, enlarge the desert reclaiming and constructing new cities.
- يمكن استخدام الطاقة المتجددة مثل الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة الرياح في توليد الكهرباء وإضاءة المنازل وتشغيل المصانع
- Renewable energy such as solar and wind energy can be used to generate electricity, light homes and run factories.
- Renewed energy such as solar and wind energy can be used to generate electricity, lit houses and operate factories.
- Renewable energy such as solar and wind energy can be used to reproduce electricity, brighten homes and run factories.