Secondary 1- Unit 1 lesson 2 Ex. 2 - Listening

Speaker 1: Last summer, I decided not to go on holiday to Greece with my friends, but to do something different.
Speaker 2: So, where did you go?
Speaker 1: Well, as I am studying biology'", I thought I'd go to Indonesia to find out more about the orangutans there. So, I booked a holiday with an eco-tourism company and went to Borneo.
Speaker 2: What was it like?
Speaker 1: A bit of disaster! Although I did love the rain forests When we got to Jakarta we caught an internal flight to Borneo. But my luggage never arrived, so I had to buy new clothes. The next morning, we took a boat up the river to the orangutan centre. And while I was leaning out of the boat to take photos, I dropped my camera!
Speaker 2: Oh, no! Did you manage to get it back?
Speaker 1: No way! The river is really deep, so I just had to leave it. But I was very annoyed. But at least, I had my phone. It took two days to get to the centre, so while we were sitting on the boat, the guide told us all about the orangutans and what the conservationists are doing there. It sounded really exciting. When we arrived, the guide introduced" us to the people working there. And then, we had dinner.
Speaker 2: What was the food like?
Speaker 1: It was mainly rice and vegetables, but they were very spicy. I don't like spicy food, so I only ate the rice. By the end of the week, I was eating the vegetables and fish, though. As I was so hungry.
Speaker 2: Well, I am glad to hear you're not such a fussy eater anymore. What did you do every day?
Speaker 1: We got up at about six every morning as that is when the sun rises, had breakfast and then trekked into the forest to learn about orangutans from the people who were looking after them.
Speaker 2: Did you feed them?
Speaker 1: No, they're wild animals not pets. We just observe them, made notes and took photos. We also learnt about other animals, birds and insects in the rain forests. Unfortunately, at the end of the first week, a spider bit me while I was sleeping and my arm swelled up.
Speaker 2: So, what happened?
Speaker 1: I had to go to a hospital, but as the nearest hospital was 200 kilometres away, I had to go by a helicopter. I stayed there for a
week all alone and then went back to the centre. But as soon as I got back, I was ill. One of the tourists was making the dinner that night and he wasn't a good cook, he didn't clean the fish properly and everybody was sick. I am staying at home this summer.